November 05, 2008


Good Day Fellow Bloggers...

I am so happy today. Last night as the announcement of the 44th president was being made, I cried. Why? It became "REAL" to me. Yes, I watched the debates. Yes, I listened to all of the reports, Yes, I voted (and took Zaria with me). BUT, I just knew there would be a repeat of the last election. Well, I'm glad there wasn't. I am glad that this country put aside the color of someone's skin and chose the person who could change the way things have been.

I sent a text message out to all of my friends saying, "Only God would've have known." God has ordered this man's steps and I trust that God will give him the strength, direction and protection that he will need.

I am also happy that I can tell my son that if he works hard and lives a good life, he too could one day be president. Yes, we could've said this before, but now he can see it and believe it.

I leave you all with another text that I received last week and a picture...

Rosa sat so Martin could walk...
Martin walked so Obama could run...
Obama is running so our children can fly.


Lulu said...

you said it beautifully..

Laura said...

I voted for Obama, too! I also got teary-eyed when I saw the results. It's exciting to see so many people of different races, income levels, ethnicities, etc., inspired by Obama. I heard two older white guys (who just looking at them one would assume they probably voted for McCain) on the bus today after work talking how they voted for Obama, and so excited about his win, and seeing his family move into the White House. That was really nice to hear. I think Obama's a wonderful choice for the nation's first black president, and that Michelle is going to make a really good first lady - she's such a classy woman.

As a mom of two biracial kids, it makes me feel good that they can see a world I can only imagine how exciting this election must be for the elderly black men and women, people 80, 90 years old, who have lived through Jim Crow and the Civil Rights movement, and who now got to see a black man elected president.

I love the quote and the picture on your blog - I'm going to have to find a copy of it online!